School Meals
Parents can choose whether to pay for their child(rens) school meal or provide them with their own packed lunch. Our School Meals are provided by Twelve15 (
A copy of the school meal menu can be found at the bottom of this page.
Meal payments
For the 2024/2025 school year the price of a school meal is £14.50 per week, £2.80 per day.
School meals can be paid for on-line by credit or debit card, via the secure payment website Wisepay. This can be found under the Wisepay 'Food and drink' section whereby you are given a choice of paying termly, half-termly or weekly. Parents are issued with a Wisepay login during the first term of their child(ren) starting at Oakfield. If you have any issues with your Wisepay login please contact the school office by emailing ''.
Surrey County Council require all school meals to be paid for in advance. Failure to do so could result in your child not being provided with a school meal.
Application for School Meals
Please email the school office at '' if your child would like to go on to school meals. They will then send you the school meal form.
Please note at least one week's notice is required to process school meal applications.
Special diets
Our School Kitchen is nut free but we still need to know if your child has any food allergies (including nuts), preferences (such as vegetarian) or requires a special diet for religious reasons. The School Office (on behalf of Surrey County Council) maintains a Special Diet Register for the kitchen, along with a photograph of each child which enables the kitchen staff to clearly identify each child. If your child(ren) has a special diet and you would like them to have school meals, you will need to inform the school office.
Free school meals
If you believe you may be eligible for this benefit please complete the form below and inform the school office once you have done so:-
Free School Meal Eligibility Form
The school office will use your completed form to confirm your eligibility with Surrey County Council and confirm if you are entitled to claim this benefit.
Changing your child(rens) lunch arrangement
We require one weeks’ notice of any changes to your child(rens) lunch arrangement.
If you wish to switch from school meals to packed lunches please notify the school office via email,
If you have any further questions about school meals, special diets etc. please contact the school office.
For further information on healthy eating and healthy packed lunches, click on these links: