Young Citizens Gold Award for Spiritual, Moral, social and Cultural Development
As a result of the recent verification visit, Oakfield has been awarded Gold level of the National SMSC Quality Mark
Here is a summary of what our verifier, Sian Rowland said:
The hard work and thought that goes into creating a genuinely broad and exciting curriculum where pupils thrive is key to the way the school approaches SMSC. Pupils spoke with enthusiasm about their school and how they feel that they are encouraged to shine in every area of school life including pupil voice. Parents value the hard work that goes into ensuring that each child’s individual needs are not just met but celebrated. Mrs Buckler has driven the verification process forward and is continuing to develop SMSC across the curriculum in a thoughtfully planned way.
I congratulate Oakfield on the high standard of SMSC development that is afforded their pupils. There are numerous SMSC related strengths at Oakfield; the following are a few key examples:
• Inclusion is at the heart of everything Oakfield does. All pupils are encouraged to develop their skills both in academic terms and in life skills and cultural capital.
• The rich extra-curricular provision from residentials (which are accessible for all) to visits and visitors, clubs and theme days. The school went all out on the Platinum Jubilee celebrations while learning a wide range of new skills and engaging with British values at a deep level.
• The school recognises the importance of diversity in its broadest terms and works hard to ensure that Oakfield pupils are encouraged to engage with and think deeply about a range of topics. Areas for development:
• There are plans to demonstrate this positivity towards diversity more in displays around school (the classroom displays are already a striking and attractive aspect of the school’s appearance)
The School Games Mark
Oakfield Junior School have been awarded the Platinum School Games Mark demonstrating that we are a physically literate school that positively impacts on our young people!
We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the School Games Platinum Mark Award for the 2022/23 academic year. The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success. We have had numerous sporting achievements this year in both sports festivals and competitions. We are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of school sport, including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who made our competitions possible. As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas of participation, competition, workforce and extra-curricular clubs, and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year.
We look forward to applying once again in 2024!
The Arts Mark Award
We are very proud to share that Oakfield Junior School has been awarded the Arts Mark Silver Award!
Quote from report: 'You are positively increasing the emphasis on arts and culture and engaging with the Arts is beginning to have some tangible results on pupils and staff at Oakfield. The Arts feature in school planning and are supported by SLT and a link governor. Pupils access a consistent and relevant range of experiences in school and outside the classroom which leads to showcasing within school and the local community. It’s great to hear about your Jubilee celebrations, ICT developments with VR, Oakfield Ensemble and Creative Cabin.’
The Eco School Award
The Eco School award has been an on-going project for 2 years, concentrating on recycling, litter and energy.
We have now been awarded the coveted Eco School award, with our new green flag proudly fluttering from the flagpole.
Congratulations to all our Eco-Warriors for their hard work in achieving this special award; we are one of only 38 Eco Schools in Surrey.
RHS School Gardening Awards Level 4
This level has been achieved by the children planting and growing vegetables, which were then used in their cookery lessons. Delicious onion bread and tasty stir-fries are just some of the recipes the children have enjoyed.
The RSPB Wildlife Challenge Silver Award
Our continuing outdoor learning, and the use of our senses to develop our love of nature, has attained this award. The children have closely studied, then drawn, natural objects such as feathers and seashells, the results of which were wonderful. Wildlife detecting and mini beast safaris have shown the children the huge variety of flora and fauna within our grounds; they have also built more homes for wildlife. Both children and staff have also enjoyed creative writing in our woodlands.
The Surrey Wildlife Bronze Award
This award was received in recognition of our creation of different wildlife habitats and planting for nature.
Woodland Trust Gold Award
We are very proud of our Woodland Trust Gold award – we received a beautiful wooden plaque to display . This was achieved by recycling, learning about trees and their importance and visiting our own and other local woods to experience them first hand.